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Use "Email to GoodNotes" for importing PDF files

This feature is available in the full version only. See GoodNotes In-App Purchase FAQ.

What is "Email to GoodNotes" in GoodNotes 5?

"Email to GoodNotes" enables you to easily import PDFs to your GoodNotes library by emailing them to your @goodnotes.email address.

How to receive your @goodnotes.email

1. Tap Settings from GoodNotes menu.



2. Select "Email to GoodNotes".



3. Review and accept the Terms and Privacy Policy (1). Then you can enable "Email to GoodNotes" (2). If you can't, please open iPad Settings (not GoodNotes Settings), tap Apple ID > iCloud, and turn on both "iCloud Drive" and "GoodNotes"? This is because this feature requires iCloud.



Once activated, you will receive your @goodnotes.email address like highlighted below.



Features of your goodnotes.email address

The address is unique and tied to your iCloud account. You would be the only person who would receive imports.


Limitations of Email to GoodNotes

We currently only support PDFs. If the email contains both PDFs and other unsupported formats, the PDFs will be imported but the sender will receive an email listing the unsupported files. Please note that we also don’t follow direct links to PDFs within the email. Images may be considered part of the email signature, so if the email contains PDFs and images, there will be no error email sent back to the sender and only the PDFs are imported. Also, as email services have an attachment size limit, it's not possible to import a PDF that's larger than 25 MB this way.


Checking new imports from your @goodnotes.email

Currently, we check for new imports when:

  1. GoodNotes 5 is in the foreground (i.e. visible on the screen).
  2. the "Email to GoodNotes" Setting is brought up.

Normally, it takes a minute or two for our servers to prepare the attachment for downloading to your GoodNotes.

How to disable your @goodnotes.email

If you feel spammed or don't want to use this feature anymore, you can easily disable it. Please note that your email address will be disabled immediately and can't be reused.