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Installing Goodnotes for Schools and Businesses via Jamf Pro

Please note: While our License Keys do not need a reinstallation of the app in order to install effectively, we would encourage all users to ensure they have an appropriate backup in place for their data before completing the deployment. This can be achieved through iCloud Sync, Auto-Backup or a Manual Backup.

After receiving your License Key from our Goodnotes Licensing Team, you may be wondering as to how you can install the key via Jamf Pro using the .plist file found in our MDM Installation Article.

If you'd prefer to consult Jamf's own documentation, the relevant articles for instructions on how install Managed App Configuration can be found here for Jamf Pro.

Alternatively, see below for a step by step instruction on how to install Goodnotes 6 via Jamf Pro:

  1. In Jamf Pro, click Devices at the top of sidebar and then navigate to Mobile Device Apps.
  2. Click '+ New' in the top right of the Mobile Device Apps view.
  3. Choose App Store app or apps purchased in volume and click Next.
  4. Search for Goodnotes and click Next.
  5. On the Add an App page, Goodnotes 6 should appear as the first option. Click Add.
  6. Once in the page New Mobile Device App, ensure your Distribution Method is set to Install Automatically/Prompt Users to Install. Also ensure your Scope tab has the correct Target Mobile Devices set. 
  7. Click on App Configuration and paste the following:
    • Only the content within <dict> tags, not the XML content at the top of our full configuration seen here. See below for an example and ensure you change red key information to your own License Key.
    • The blue part is optional as the app should launch Goodnotes 6 by default, but you can replace the second blue line with <integer>5</integer> to force the use of GoodNotes 5 (subject to eligibility, as shown in Goodnotes ⚙️ menu > About)

  8. Click the Save button in the bottom right.

If you still need help after reading through these instructions, do not hesitate to reach out to our Goodnotes Licensing Team for further support, or alternatively, contact Jamf for more dedicated help in relation to their software.