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Installing Goodnotes for School via ESP MDM

After receiving your License Key from our Goodnotes Education Licensing team, you may be wondering as to how you can embed the key when installing Goodnotes app.

If you’d prefer to consult ESP MDM own documentation, the relevant articles for instructions on how install Managed App Configuration can be found in ESP MDM Help Center (requires login). 

Alternatively, see below for a step by step instruction on how to install Goodnotes 6 via ESP MDM:

  1. Log into ESP MDM Admin Console
  2. ⁠Go to Apps > App Management and find Goodnotes app
  3. ⁠Tap Action > Edit > App Config
  4. ⁠Simple input the following text, replacing YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE with your own, into the box and tap Save button:



5. Install Goodnotes onto devices by going to Device > Device Management > Bulk Action > Apps > Install VPP Apps > Select Goodnotes and target devices > Tap Confirm button