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Support General Policies

At Goodnotes, our community guidelines are based on treating everyone equally and respectfully. Our customer service team is here to help you, and we expect you to treat them with respect.

Abusive behavior towards our team will not be tolerated. This includes:

  • Aggressive or abusive language
  • Threatening behavior
  • Negative and harassing comments
  • Making assumptions about how we operate

If you are unhappy with our service, please contact us politely and respectfully. You can ask to raise your issue with a senior manager. We always do our best to resolve your issue, and using abusive language will only delay the processing of your request.

How to treat our technical support specialists with respect:

  • Be polite and courteous.
  • Respect our replies, even if you disagree with them.

If you have a complaint about our service:

  • Please contact us politely and provide details of your complaint.
  • We will investigate your complaint and write to you with our conclusions.

GDPR Requests