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Why isn’t my text reflowing correctly?

GoodNotes 6 uses smart technology to reflow your handwriting, but sometimes it might not get everything right. To help it work best, try to keep your writing straight and avoid overlapping too many lines. Reflow works best when each letter is clear, so cursive handwriting might be a little tricky

If you're having trouble reflowing large sections, try selecting smaller portions to reflow. You can also use the Lasso tool to reselect the text and give it another try. Keep in mind that reflow works best with straight lines, so rotated handwriting might not work as well. Right now, this feature is optimized for English, but we're working on adding more languages soon!

At the moment, drawings won’t reflow and will be ignored. If some drawing strokes are accidentally being reflowed, try selecting just the handwritten text and paragraphs for better results.

If you’re still having trouble with reflow, we’re here to help! You can report the issue by filling out this form. Don’t forget to include a screenshot or video of the problem. Also, if you undo a reflow three times, a banner will appear offering an easy way to report the issue directly to us.

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