The Zoom Window allows you to write neatly, even in smaller handwriting, making efficient use of the space on the page.
Launch the Zoom Window
You can access the Zoom Window by choosing the option in the Handwriting Toolbar, or by long pressing on the page with your finger to bring up pop-up options, then selecting Zoom.
Write with Auto-Advance
For a fluent note-taking experience, Goodnotes offers a continuous writing experience in the Zoom Window with the Auto-Advance feature. This allows you to keep writing in the same area of the screen, letting the Zoom Window do the moving for you.
As soon as you cross the middle of the Zoom Window with any pen stroke, a blue area will appear both on the left side of the window and on the page. Continuing to write in this area will automatically move the blue box on the page forward.
When you reach the end of the page, the Zoom Window will move you down to the next line. This may offer a different effect in different templates and with different sizes of Zoom Window. Using a ruled paper Template and having the Zoom Window shrunk to the size of the line will offer the best results, alongside setting the margin to fit your Template. Please see below for more information.
Resize the Zoom Box
You can resize the Zoom Box on the page to cover only a region of interest. The smaller the box, the higher the magnification level of the Zoom Window.
There are two resize handles for the Zoom Box. Drag on the first one diagonally to resize both the height and width. Drag on the second vertically to resize the height.
1. You can drag the bottom right corner of the Zoom Box to change its size and magnification while keeping the same aspect ratio.
2. You can pull the handles at the bottom of the Zoom Window to adjust the height of the Zoom Box. This will be limited if you reach the bottom of the screen. To get more height, you can pull up the Zoom Window to reveal more space below, or turn the device to portrait.
Change the return height
With auto-advance enabled, the Zoom window relies on a default return height in order to know how far down to move to the next line. With auto-advance disabled, tapping the "New line" icon near the upper right of the Zoom window will also move this far to the next line.
To adjust the return height:
- Tap the three-dot icon in the upper right of the Zoom window.
Tap the Height field and change its value (in points) and tap Apply:
Additional settings of the Zoom Window
To enable/disable Auto-Advance: From the document view, open the More menu (...) in the top-right corner > Document Editing, and toggle the "Auto Advance" setting.
You can adjust the Zoom Window return height for a specific template. See: How to adjust Zoom window return height for a template