You can now share your notes on iOS and access them on Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web (available in the paid version). You can leave comments and collaborate on the same notes across platforms.
Share a notebook from iOS to Android, Windows, and Web
In order to view and edit your iOS notebooks on Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web:
- Make sure iCloud is enabled in Cloud Storage setting on Goodnotes 6 or "Use iCloud" is enabled in iCloud Settings on GoodNotes 5.
- If the document was imported, make sure to use one that is not password protected for the import process.
- Open the document that you want to share on iOS app.
- Tap the Share icon in the navigation bar > Enable Share Link to Collaborate.
- Tap on Sharing Settings and make sure Open Document on Web is enabled (available in the full version).
- Tap Send Link to share it.
- To accept the shared document:
- For Android and Windows: Open the link from a device that has Goodnotes for Android or Goodnotes for Windows app installed. Tap on … > Open in Goodnotes if the app is not already open for you. Then, login to your Goodnotes Account to access the document. You can see the shared documents by tapping on the Shared tab on the left.
- For Web: Open the link on browser to view the notebook. Login to your Goodnotes Account to edit the notebook.
Important: A shared document is currently public and anyone with the link access and edit it. You can disable Link Sharing at any time, which will revoke access to the document. We recommend sharing links with trusted people only. For extra protection, consider backing up your documents before sharing them.
Share notebooks between Android, Windows, and Web
For Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web, the notebook library is synchronized to Goodnotes Cloud. So you can log in with your credential and access them across these platforms.
If you wish to share your notebooks to other users on Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web, please see Share notebooks between Android, Windows, and Web.
Q: Can I invite other people directly via email?
A: No. they can only join a shared document via the URL.
Q: Can I control who can view or edit the shared document?
A: No. The shared notes are public and accessible by anyone with the share link. We recommend you share with people you trust. In order to revoke sharing, you need to disable Link Sharing under Share > disable Share Link to Collaborate.
Q: Can I share a document between Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web?
A: Yes. Your account for Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web is the same, they can be login using your Goodnotes Account. If you wish to sync your notebooks between Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web, simply login using your GoodNotes Account credentials to access your notes.
Q: Can I access the documents from a device without the app installed?
A: Yes. You can simply open the Shared Link on a browser to view it. In order edit your document, you will need to login with your Goodnotes Account.