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I was forced to upgrade my paid GoodNotes 5 to Goodnotes 6 with an alert

If you're still on the GoodNotes 5 experience, you might get an alert saying that "Your GoodNotes 5 access has changed" and being asked to upgrade to Goodnotes 6:

This alert might pop up if the app incorrectly detects you're on the free version of GoodNotes 5. To resolve it:

  1. Tap Restore Purchases to refresh your App Store receipt, and let the app take you back to your paid GoodNotes 5 version. If the issue persists, you might need to update the app to the latest Goodnotes version and try this step again.
  2. If you are still receiving this message, open your App Store app, sign out of your App Store account, and make sure to sign back in to the App Store account that purchased GoodNotes 5.
  3. If that doesn't help, proceed with upgrading to Goodnotes 6 and choose "Looking for GoodNotes 5?" on the launch screen.