Worried about automatic charges? Wondering how to cancel your Samsung Premium subscription before it renews? Don't worry! The Samsung Exclusive Offer is a commitment-free subscription that doesn't require your payment information.
Here's what you need to know:
- Rest assured, the Samsung Exclusive Offer won't auto-renew, so there's no need to cancel your subscription.
- After the free year ends, there won't be any automatic charges. You'll have the option to choose a free plan or start a payment plan for the next year.
- The "Renewal date" on the "Manage account" screen marks the end of the free year. Remember, there's no automatic renewal for the Samsung Exclusive Offer.
- If you're thinking of deleting your account, keep in mind that the app will remind you to cancel any active subscriptions. However, this doesn't apply to Samsung Premium users.
Want more details? Check out:
- What happens when the free 1-year Premium subscription finishes?
- Samsung Exclusive Offer - Frequently Asked Questions
If you're enjoying the app, we have a special offer if you opt for a payment plan for the upcoming year. Check out our Samsung Exclusive Offer Renewals FAQs for more details!